Thanks to my Yoga instructor, I got a chance to help him make a cowdung plastered floor in the garden of his house.
Location: Javakhedkar’s house, near Karve statue, close to Rahul nagar, Kothrud, Pune. He got the dung from : the canal road near the state bank of india chowk opposite sndt, on Karve road. We do not know if the dung was from a cow or buffalo.
सारवायला मजा आली .
1.The smell will stay on your hand for the day. The dung acts as a moisturiser and hands are awesomely soft later.
2. If the dung is from a well fed cow, it will not smell bad. Infact if it is from a calf it will be very nice to work with, non smelly.
3. It is said that cow dung is so pure and has purifying properties such that it can be used to make kitchen counters as well.
4. The ground is very comfortable to walk on later. Slightly spongy, and cool.